Information on the summer semester 2024

The Master of Artificial Intelligence is a face-to-face programme. The majority of the modules will be offered as face-to-face courses in the summer semester 2024. You can find more information in the respective course areas on our eLearning platform. (Note: You must be an enroled student to use the THWS elearning platform).

For recently enrolled first-semester students, our Moodle platform provides a first introduction. Please register for the course General Information for the Master Artificial Intelligence.

If you have any questions, please contact mai.fiw[at]

The lecture period regularly starts on 18 March 2023.

There will be a short introductory event with general information about the degree programme in March. You can find the date and details for the event under Information for 1st semester students.

We wish everyone a good start to the new semester!

Summer Semester 2024

1st programme semester

Lecture Lecturer Moodle Course iCal File
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Yamshchikov Moodle Course iCal File
Artificial Neural Networks and Cognitive Models Gregorová Moodle Course iCal File
Cloud-Native (FWPM) Gerhards Moodle Course iCal File
Entrepreneurship for Engineers (FWPM) Yamshchikov Moodle Course iCal File
Ethics and Regulation of AI (FWPM) Oermann Moodle Course iCal File
Mathematical Foundations of AI Storath Moodle Course iCal File
Parallel Programming (FWPM) Diethelm Moodle Course iCal File
Project Module 1 verschiedene Moodle Course iCal File
Reasoning and Descision Making under Uncertainty Deinzer Moodle Course iCal File
Scientific Seminar Bagheri Moodle Course iCal File

3rd programme semester

Lecture Lecturer Moodle Course iCal File
Master's Thesis various Moodle Course
Bayesian Statistics and Learning (FWPM) Moodle Course iCal File
Computational Mechanization of Reasoning (FWPM) Moodle Course iCal File
Scientific Seminar Bagheri Moodle Course iCal File

Applicants with at least 180 ECTS credits, but less than 210 ECTS credits may be admitted to the degree programme on a provisional basis. The missing qualification must be made up by completing certain relevant modules from undergraduate programmes of THWS or equivalent modules in the first year of studies.

The modules that need to be completed must be closely coordinated with the examination board!
Usually you receive an email from the examination board with recommended courses.

MAI Extra Modules in summer semester 2024

In order to make up the missing ECTS we suggest 15 ECTS per semester.

Some details concerning the MAI timetable:

  • "Reasoning and Descision Making under Uncertainty” from Prof. Deinzer can also be taken in the third semester.
  • "Cloud Native” from Dr Gerhards is an elective module that will probably be offered again in the next summer semester.
  • The slot for the project module is only a place holder and is flexible within the week.

The full MAI time table can be found here.

We have divided the additional ECTS into three major areas (maths, programming, electives).  
You should already have received an email from our PK with the respective course recommendations for you.

1. Math

A) Bachelor's degree Mechatronics (IMC2), lectures in Schweinfurt

  • Engineering Mathematics 4, Prof. Dr. Stefan Mark (stefan.mark[at]
    Mon, 08:15 - 09:45 (Campus I: 5.2.01)
    Tue, 11:45 - 13:15 (Campus I: 5.1.02)
  • Engineering Mathematics 4, Prof. Dr. Holger Walter ([at]
    Tue, 10:00 - 11:30 (Campus I: 5.1.03)
    Wed, 10:00 - 11:30 (Campus I: 5.2.09)

B) IEM – Introduction to Engineering Mathematics offered by VHB.
Page 73 - This module is virtual, so can be taken flexible during the week. The exam will be written here in Wuerzburg at the University of Wuerzburg Campus, next to the THWS Computer Science Faculty

2. Programming

3. Electives

Please register yourself for the courses - the easiest way is to be there at the first date.
It is your responsibility to take the required (in general 30) ECTS within 1 year. Please make sure
(by asking the lecturer) that you are allowed to take the course (should be the case) and make also sure
that you are registered for the exam in the course.